
Early Release Weekly Newsletter

St. Croix Chippewa Indians Of Wisconsin Logo / Seal
Behold our Heritage, Share our Future

Did you know there is a library inside the Education building? I would encourage anyone interested in learning more about the Ojibwe language to explore the library. There are hundreds of books to learn from. Reach out to Janine McNulty at ext. 5312 or Karen Washington at ext. 5303 with any questions.


“Nibi is Water. Nibi Aawon Nbiish”

By Joanne Robertson

Translated by Shirley Williams and Isadore Toulouse

Gimewon, Rain,

Goon, snow,

Nbiish debwe’ese, splash,

Maage makazhiwe, or row.

Bigizon, Swim,

Minikwe, drink,

Maajiiginoon, grow,

Maage jiikshkaa, or shrink.

Giziibiigizhe, Bathe,

Giziiyaabide’oh, brush,

Gizii-naagane, wash,

Maajiiyaasidoon waanag, or flush.

Ninaatigoo-aaboo nijigaa, Drip,

Zoomdaan, sip,

Minikwewag, lap,

Maage gwekijiibinaan, or flip.

Nmiigwechiwe, Thank,

Mnaadendimoowin, respect,

Zaagidowin, love,

Miiniwaa ginowenjige, and protect.

Nibi nbiish aawon.

Nibi is water.

Nibi aawon bimaadiziwin.

Water is life.


Per George Reynolds, modular homes 11-16 have been ordered. They will be scattered amongst the different communities.

Five homes in the Danbury community will be installed via crane on 12/13 and 12/14. Finish work will begin immediately after install and connection.

Initial occupancy is expected end of December/first part of January.

Partnership benefits Native children and families and provides a
memorable learning experience for students

Every year, Dipesh Navsaria, MPH, MSLIS, MD, spends a couple of days at the St. Croix Chippewa’s Tribal Health Center in Northwest Wisconsin serving their youngest children and their families.

He brings a team of medical students and residents to perform — in collaboration with the tribe’s on-site resources — the required checkups of children’s health and well-being so they can be enrolled in the federally funded Tribal Head Start preschool program.

This time around — and for the first time in 15 years of the experience — he brought along an undergraduate student from the School of Human Ecology.

Esmeralda Ramirez Sanchez, a fourth year Human Development and Family Studies student at the School of Human Ecology, applied for the experience because she was interested in immersing herself in an unfamiliar community. In particular, Esmeralda wanted to see how healthcare differs in rural areas of Wisconsin compared to what she knows in Madison.

Read more about Esmeralda’s experience at our Head Start physicals in the University of Wisconsin-Madison News here. Below is a photo of Dr. Navsaria. Dr. Navsaria holds a traditional war club carved out of wood from the President’s Oak on the UW–Madison campus. The club was given to Dr. Navsaria by a Ho Chunk Tribal member who works closely with St. Croix.

St. Croix Chippewa Indians Of Wisconsin Logo / Seal

Tribal Government Job Openings

Tribal Court Bailiff (PT)

Program Accountant

HR Administrative Assistant

Sand Lake Community Worker(LTE)

Gaming Internal Auditor

Head Start Director

Assistant Teacher

Full job descriptions are available by clicking on the job titles. Please contact Tiffany Iorns, [email protected] or ext. 5196, for additional information.

HHS Job Openings

Community Health Nurse


BH Grants Manager/Case Manager

Clinical CMA/LPN

Diabetic Nurse Educator

ICWA Case Worker

Full job descriptions are available by clicking on the job titles. Please contact Shaurette Reynolds, [email protected] or ext. 5133, for additional information.

Please spread the word to your friends and family members about our open positions!

Mark Soulier and Neil Oustigoff Sr. are selling raffle tickets to benefit the TRAILS Pow Wow. They are $1 each or 6 tickets for $5. Prizes are below and include a smart TV, HP laptop, tablet, and cash. You DO NOT need to be present to win! Support the youth by purchasing raffle tickets today!

Christmas Pow Wow location has changed to the 


Drug treatment experts are raising the alarm about claims made by the Bloomington Police Chief about a form of fentanyl being “Narcan resistant”. In a press conference in November, Police Chief Brooker Hodges said the department has encountered a “unique and dangerous” form of fentanyl resistant to Narcan during the execution of search warrant.

Drug experts say there is no known version of fentanyl, or any other synthetic drug, that is resistant to Narcan.

“The police commentary is quite dangerous as it is A. factually incorrect and B. could keep people from using lifesaving antidotes,” said Ryan Marino, a medical toxicologist who is an assistant professor at Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine in Cleveland, Ohio.

Narcan works with ALL opioids. “If administered quickly and at a sufficient dose, naloxone (Narcan) and other opioid antagonists are effective against all opioids regardless of their potency.”

If you are interested in Narcan training and supplies, please contact Jean Roedl at 715-349-8554 ext. 5150.


Webster, Wisconsin 

Many of the germs that cause respiratory (breathing) diseases are spread by droplets that come from coughing and sneezing. These germs usually spread from person to person when uninfected persons are in close contact with a sick person. Some people may become infected by touching something with these germs on it and then touching their mouth or nose.

In general, the best way to help prevent spread of respiratory germs is to avoid contact with droplets or secretions of saliva, mucus, and tears. Things that can help include the following:

1.)   Minimize close contact with persons who have symptoms of respiratory illness, such as coughing or sneezing. Do not share eating utensils or drinking containers. Do not share other personal articles, such as toothbrushes or towels, with anyone else. Help ill persons contain droplets that result from their coughing and sneezing by covering a cough and regular handwashing

2.)   Maintain a clean environment. Use cleaning wipes or spray to help wipe down commonly touched items such as doorknobs, light switches, toilet handles, faucets, remote controls and phones. Wipe up visible material with paper towels and dispose of used towels in a plastic garbage bag. Disinfect using any standard household disinfectant

3.)   Wash hands regularly. This is especially important after touching surfaces or objects that might be contaminated with respiratory droplets, or after touching persons who are ill with respiratory symptoms.

If you have a respiratory illness, please consider staying home and away from family and friends this Holiday Season. Signs and symptoms of respiratory illness can include but are not limited to; cough, shortness of breath, sore throat, hoarse voice, fever, fatigue, headaches, body aches, and runny nose. 

Most of these illnesses can be treated at home by treating your symptoms.  BUT, if you become short of breath, have increase in breathing difficulty, increase in confusion, or develop bluish nails or lips, seek help immediately by calling either 911 or presenting to your nearest Emergency Room.  Children, elderly, and those with lower immune systems are at higher risk for respiratory illnesses. 

"Roc Ur Mocs"

Thank you to Historical Preservation’s Wanda McFaggen and Rachel Taylor for hosting a week of exciting events to participate in for Native American Heritage Month. Here are a couple photos of Head Start youth “rockin’ their mocs”. All who participated in the daily trivia questions or wore moccasins and ribbon skirts and shirts were given a special gift. They also utilized the lunch hour to have staff paint rocks to look like moccasins and make wind chimes.

Trivia Questions/Answers from Wanda:

1. List all communities by county

Burnett: Sand Lake, Pike Lake, Clam Lake, Gaslyn, Bashaw and Danbury

Polk: Balsam Lake and Round Lake

Barron: Maple Plaine

1. Name the 4 medicines

Sweetgrass, sage, asema, cedar.

1. Name the Seven Teachings

Honesty, Humility, Truth, Wisdom, Love, Respect and Bravery.

If you would like an item featured in the weekly newsletter, please email Maggie Olson at [email protected].

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