Non-50/50 Raffle
Pancake Breakfast – Laura Moose
Due to the short week this week, paired with the moving of the Christmas Party due to weather closures, we are going to postpone the pancake breakfast to benefit Laura Moose to Monday, January 9th. We hope you understand and will still support! Any questions, contact Jeff Taylor.
St. Croix Tribal Police Department Golf Tournament
On Monday, July 25th, the St. Croix Tribal Police Department hosted a golf tournament at the Frederic Golf Course in Frederic, WI. The tournament was a scramble format and included 36 teams. The weather was absolutely perfect for the event! Along with the excitement that comes with a golf tournament, there were additional raffles including a 50/50 cash, gun/rifle, Yeti cooler, and other prizes. This golf tournament benefited the St. Croix Tribal K-9 Program. The tournament raised around $8,000.00 for […]