Emergency Management /
SCT Fire Department

St. Croix Tribal Hertel Fire Department

The St. Croix Tribal/Hertel Fire Department is completely staffed with volunteers.  SCTHFD responds to emergencies on the St. Croix Reservation in addition to portions of Sand Lake, Dewey, and LaFollette Townships.  They also provide mutual aid to surrounding municipal fire departments and the Wisconsin DNR.

St. Croix Tribal Emergency Management & Safety

The Emergency Management Department works to protect the Tribe’s property and tribal members’ lives and property through preparedness, response, mitigation, and recovery related to natural, technical, hazardous material, and terrorism disasters.

Emergency Management is a coordinated response to an unusual emergency situation.   It is a response that calls for the maximum use of community resources with far greater need for a coordination between response agencies that exist.  Emergency Management is a vital link in a network of services, which makes it possible for natural disasters and large-scale emergencies to be mitigated and dealt with effectively.

The job of the St. Croix Emergency Management Department is to assist in all natural and man-made disasters and in situations when a Tribal Entity has exhausted its immediately available local and mutual resources, or when there is a potential for long range or immediate danger to life or property.

The St. Croix Emergency Management Department provides assistance to St. Croix Tribal residents in a variety of disaster situations including tornadoes, highway accidents, high damaging winds, terrorism, floods, forest fires, and most recently pandemics.

St. Croix Tribal Emergency Management Department utilizes planning, training, and coordination to continually develop mitigation, preparedness, response and recovery capabilities in partnership with the states, counties, cities, towns, tribes, villages, and the federal government.  These phases of emergency management are intended to identify and coordinate available resources to deal with emergencies effectively, thereby saving lives, avoiding injury, and minimizing economic loss.

The Safety Department manages the safety policies for the St. Croix Chippewa Indians of Wisconsin in order to provide a safe and healthy work environment for those who are employed with the St. Croix Tribe.  The Safety Department provides training for employees on areas such as the operation of fire extinguishers, injury prevention, workplace safety, and more.


St. Croix Chippewa Indians of Wisconsin

24663 Angeline Ave
Webster, WI 54893
Fax # (715) 349-7811
Phone # (715) 349-2195

Contact Information





Austin Denotter, Fire Chief
715-349-2195 x 5200

Jade Merrill, Emergency Management Coordinator
715-349-2195 x 5348


St. Croix Tribal Hazard Mitigation Plan

The St. Croix Chippewa Indians of Wisconsin prepared this Tribal Hazard Mitigation Plan (THMP) to evaluate the impacts of natural and technological/human-caused hazards and to protect people, tribal lands, and cultural assets.  This plan demonstrates the St. Croix Tribe’s ongoing commitment to reduce risk and improve resiliency to natural hazard events.  This plan serves as a guide to decision makers to direct hazard mitigation programs, activities, and resources.  This plan was also developed to make the Tribe eligible for certain federal pre-disaster mitigation assistance grant funding through the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).

 Draft Hazard Mitigation Plan

Questions or comments regarding the draft plan should be directed to:
Emily Nelson
Northwest Regional Planning Commission
(715) 635-2197
[email protected]

Public Health State of Emergency Declared for St. Croix Tribal Community Due to COVID-19 pandemic in effect as of March 14, 2020
Volunteer Fire Fighters Needed – If interested Contact the Fire Chief.