
Early Release Weekly Newsletter


Behold our Heritage, Share our Future


Tribal Council finalized the purchase of 3.48 acres of land in the Round Lake community. The property shares a border with fee land already owned by the Tribe, therefore extending the contiguous land base of the reservation. The existing structure on the property will be demolished, allowing for the land to be developed into three separate lots for future housing. Thank you, Tribal Council!
The Employee Portal is OPEN! Please follow these instructions to sign up:

Click here to be redirected to the website.

Click on EMPLOYEE PORTAL at the top left of the website, in the red bar.

Once in the next screen, click on the Join Now button underneath the text that says “This content is for Employees only.”

Click Request Access button.

This page will state your Membership Level as Standard User — that is correct. Complete your account information, using a username and password you can easily remember, as it will be required for all log ins. The next section involves access levels:

It is incredibly important to complete the sign up form with accurate information. This section asks for a Tribal ID # if applicable, followed by an Employee # and the Last 4 of SSN (Social Security Number). If you do not know these numbers, you should reach out to Enrollment for your Tribal ID # and Payroll for your Employee #. If you are not a Tribal Member, leave the box blank. Once your information is entered, click on SUBMIT AND CONFIRM >>. Please note, there is behind the scenes work to be done to verify employment. Once verified, you will receive an email that your membership is confirmed.

Tribal Government Job Openings

Tribal Court Bailiff (PT)

Tribal Court Staff Attorney

Paraeducator/NA Liaison (Spooner School)

Paraeducator/NA Liaison (Unity School)

Travel Coordinator

HR Specialist

Sand Lake Community Worker

St. Croix Tribal Tax Commissioner

Warehouse Assistant

Gaming Commissioner

Full job descriptions are available by clicking on the job titles. Please contact Tiffany Iorns, [email protected] or ext. 5196, for additional information.

Health & Human Services Job Openings

Community Health Nurse

Physician – Medical Director

Grant Specialist


HHS Finance – Data Specialist

Medical Lab Coordinator

Tribal Aging Program Manager

BH Grants Manager/Case Manager

Tribal Aging & Disability Resource Specialist (ADRS)

Medical Records Specialist

Clinical CMA/LPN

Full job descriptions are available by clicking on the job titles. Please contact Shaurette Reynolds, [email protected] or ext. 5133, for additional information.

Please spread the word to your friends and family members about our open positions!
“Kids don’t Remember their Best Day of Television.”

Ground breaking for the new basketball court in the Sand Lake community has begun! The ground is being leveled for concrete end of August, with fencing to be installed early September, and the court install and paint scheduled for the middle of September.

The basketball courts will be paid for out of ARPA Community Culture Youth Wellness dollars. Basketball courts are planned for Danbury, Maple Plain, and Round Lake communities as well. Thank you, Tribal Council!

NEW COVID-19 Work Guidelines
What is Purchased Referred Care?

Purchased Referred Care, or PRC, is a program funded through Indian Health Services (I.H.S) that helps eligible individuals pay for health and dental costs outside of the St. Croix Tribal Health Clinic. The St. Croix Tribal PRC program is located in the St. Croix Tribal Health Clinic, and is managed by Linda Taylor, with Kayla Anderson assisting.  

PRC is not an entitlement program and a referral from the St. Croix Tribal Health Clinic does not imply that the appointment will be paid. PRC must be requested if help with outside health/medical costs are needed or wanted. If PRC is requested, then the individual must meet the following guidelines:

1. Individual must be a St. Croix Tribal Member or St. Croix Tribal Descendant to the second degree. Tribal Verification is required to be on file.

2. Individual must live in the St. Croix Tribal Service area, which is the counties of Burnett, Barron, Washburn, Polk and Pine (St Croix Tribal Members only in Pine). Proof of residency may be required.

3. Individual must have a primary insurance, as PRC is a payor of last resort. If there is no insurance, individual must meet with Kayla Anderson, the Benefits Specialist/PRC Assistant to apply for all alternate resources before PRC will approve any request.

4. Individual must utilize the St. Croix Tribal Health Clinic at least once per year to keep information updated.

5. Notification is required for ALL appointments. Prior notification is required for upcoming appointments. Emergency room/hospitalizations must be called in to the PRC Office no later than 72 hours of discharge. Elders of Medicare age or disabled individuals have 30 days to call in emergency room visits or hospitalizations.

6. Medical/Dental priority of care. Reason for visit is required, as I.H.S. has a list of priorities for the different types of care that are covered under PRC. Not all procedures are covered. If PRC runs low on funding for the year, the program will only pay for procedures that are considered high priorities per I.H.S. Guidelines.

The PRC Program works on a purchase order system. When notification is given to our office of an upcoming appointment, emergency room visit, or hospitalization, a purchase order is sent to the facility on the individuals behalf. Once that purchase order is sent, it obligates our program to pay as the secondary insurance. Because the PRC program works like a secondary insurance, health claims are required from the facility to pay. PRC does not pay actual bills that are received from a medical facility, so if you do get a bill from a medical facility, please bring that bill into the PRC Office right away so we can get it sorted out. Not all facilities that we send purchase orders to work well with us.

If you have any questions on how this program works please give us a call or go online to and look up Purchased Referred Care for general information. This is a great resource to utilize if you cannot pay those outside medical/dental costs.

The St. Croix Tribal Clinic’s phone number is #715-349-8554. Linda’s extension is 5162 and Kayla’s extension is 5256.

If you would like an item featured in the weekly newsletter, please email Maggie Olson at [email protected].

St. Croix Tribal Center

24663 Angeline Ave

Webster, WI 54893


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