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Wellness Fair – Mental Health and Substance Use Recovery
St. Croix Tribal Community Members to a Wellness Fair hosted by St. Croix Tribal Behavioral Health St. Croix Tribal Community Members to a Wellness Fair hosted by St. Croix Tribal Behavioral Health on Friday, August 13 from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m! In the parking lot between Government Center and Health Clinic; T-shirts, journals, wellness items, and light snacks provided to participants Information about behavioral health services, medication-assisted treatment, and grant programs that can pay for residential substance use treatment […]
Headstart Physical Days
We have our Headstart Physical Days scheduled for August 3rd all day, And August 4th in the morning. If you have any kids that need to get in for a Headstart Physical, Sports Physical or Well Child Check we are making appointments now. Give me a call at Ext. 5204 or you can also call Patient Registration at Ext. 5150.
St. Croix Tribal Health Clinic Health Care Available
Here at the clinic we are working hard to make sure that you are able to have all the care availablethat you need to be the best you. In order to do that, we want to make sure that you know what wehave available to meet your health needs.
Health Clinic Smile Dayz 2021
We are excited to have Smile Dayz once again this year! Smile Dayz is a fun event offered for children 0-18 years old with a birthday party like atmosphere. Appointments can be made and walk-ins are always welcome. During this event we do a quick five minute dental screening to look for cavities, provide fluoride treatment, education, and set up appointments for treatment if needed. If treatment such as fillings are needed we have some appointments reserved over the summer […]
2021 Election Count Night COVID-19 Safety Procedures
In an effort to conduct the safest 2021 General Meetings possible, and comply with the safety guidelines for COVID-19, the 2021 St. Croix Tribal Election Board has voted to impose a limit on in-person attendees on “Count Night” which will occur on June 12, 2021, in the Tribal Center Gymnasium, from roughly 7:00pm until finished.